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Days of Noah - Part 4

Based on:

Chapter 8:1-22


Chapter 9:1-17

God remembered Noah, his family, and all the livestock on the Ark. So, He caused the fountains of the deep and floodgates of the sky to close. Finally, the Ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat, which are located in the Eastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. Noah sent out a Raven, and then later, he sent a Dove several different times, until the Dove did not return. Noah knew then that it was safe to go out of the Ark. In total, Noah, his family, and all the livestock were on the Ark for 371 days! The animals were set free! Noah built an Alter to the Lord, took some of every kind of clean animal, and offered burnt offerings on the Alter. The Lord smelled the soothing aroma. He said: "the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. Then God placed a Rainbow in the clouds as a sign of His everlasting Covenant.

Days of Noah - Part 4

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